This week’s MKE lesson was a real eye-opener. LOVE.
I used to think I was pretty much aligned with this cosmic truth. We are each a differentiation of the Universal Source of all consciousness, truth and power; inherently reflecting individually the qualities of our Source. And accepted that as basic truth of our personal beingness on this earthly sojourn.
But I have realized that my ego has become quite skewed from this ideal. I have to admit that there is a very nasty thread of anger, resentment, criticism, and judgment that runs deep in my psyche.
I do feel LOVE for humanity and the productions of the human consciousness and creative genius – Music, Art, Architecture, etc – but I find that I am easily annoyed by and judgmental of the actions of some individual travelers on this earthly journey of self exploration and expression, that deviate form my personal views.
Clearly, this environment of duality on the physical plane lends itself to extreme opposites of light and dark, large and small, good and evil. The world scene of late feels overwhelming in its seeming preference for evil intent. With this backdrop and mental smog weighing heavy upon me, it is quite a challenge to remain focused on reflecting the higher energies to which we have access.
I truly enjoy my quiet times of meditation and reflection on higher mental vibrations, but when I again come face to face with behaviors of others that I would not choose, I get rattled and judgmental.
I am truly hopeful that the continuation of the MKE program will assist me to make the necessary changes in my heart and psyche to allow me to progress more calmly through the remainder of this earthly journey.
I am truly grateful to TrainingSolutions for the amazing work of compiling this comprehensive course and wish the best success to all taking part in this journey.
Staying true to the sit, David, is serving you well! 🙂
Being aware of your feelings and realizing that some do not help you is the path to great change.
Thank you David, such a heartfelt and vulnerable blog.