MKE Week 6 – The Merging of Shapes, Colors and Compass

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Category:  Week Six


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Since the beginning, I wondered what the reasoning was behind having primary-colored pencils along with green at hand for the Master Key Experience training. But I honored the request.

Then, the shapes were added – A square for yellow, a rectangle for blue, a circle for red, and a triangle for green. From the beginning, I wondered what this was about, but it was intriguing. The pieces are slowly being put together, and I enjoy the exercises.

I can get busy with busy tasks but not commit to what I said I would get done on time. But taking full responsibility for myself and what I’ve committed to do – is honoring myself.

With honor comes respect and self-love. Committing to my word allows my light to shine brighter and, in turn, shine the light for others.

Living by the compass!

Meet Lynn Marysh

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  • Thanks, Nathalie. It prepares you for what you want, so you’re ready when an opportunity comes knocking.

  • Thanks, Dan. It certainly has you feel lighter in thinking – without the continual – I should of’s… All over myself. 🙂

  • . When we commit to our word, it not only allows us to shine brighter but also inspires others to do the same. Keep up the good work!

  • Lynn, I totally agree on the shapes. I’m one that can get easily distracted and noticing the shapes has been eye opening and a big help in keeping me accountable as well. Good going!

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