Almost everyone hates to start over. When we forget to save a file, or we put a part in backwards, the backing up and starting over reminds us we are fallible. It’s annoying and borderline painful.
I used to write magazine articles as a side hustle when my daughter was young. Learning about the Shi**y First Draft and the inevitability of rewrites and editor feedback helped me understand the value of do-overs. What I noticed was when I did start over, for whatever reason, the second time was faster and better. We never really start over from scratch – we start from experience.
Sprinkled throughout the lessons this week, and in messages from other sources I’ve seen a persistent theme – our discouragements, obstacles, heartaches, struggles, and disappointments are opportunities in disguise.
My DMP has felt like a fine, well-tailored coat that doesn’t quite fit exactly right. I’ve come to realize this morning that I need to redo it. Start over. Create new SMART goals that support my new purpose. To say I’m resistant to that idea is an understatement. I even thought – I’ll just finish out the course with what I have – it’s good, maybe even great. We all know that’s not the right answer.
And so, I begin again. Wiser and happier. Ease and joy are in my immediate future.
Wow that takes courage and insight to start over! Kudos for you for being invested enough on your journey to do what you know is right. Congratulations!
Ease and joy two beautiful combinations. Discouragements, obstacles, heartaches, struggles, and disappointments sure are opportunities in disguise. Great share Dana
Hi Dana, We all face discouragement and struggles, it’s reassuring that we can look at them now as opportunities. This was a good reminder to me at this time. Thanks for sharing
Dana, know that you are not alone in complete rewrites of DMP and SMART goals. We are metamorphosing!