We get what we focus on. Complimenting someone on the good you see in them and not on bad behavior has them see the good they have within themselves. It has the focus on this good.
I had a conversation with someone I love recently where I mentioned to them that “what you focus on expands” – They came back and said, “That doesn’t mean anything”. I rebutted – “It does to me”. And what I believe to be true is what matters. The evidence is clear.
You become what you think about all day long.
Being kind is an act in the moment. You choose how you will Be in every moment. Boundaries are set when a tolerance line needs to be put in place. But again, I choose how I will be in every moment.
Being kind is a healthy choice. A healthy way of being.
I love this Lynn! Especially what you said “It does to me” – we can’t be responsible for what others think, but we can certainly take responsibility for our own thoughts. Yay!
Thank you, Joan. Some encounters are more challenging than others. But all are personal growth encounters.
Hi Lynn, Framing our day around gratitude and kindness affects everyone we meet. Liked “Be in every moment”