MKE Week 16 – Kindness Focus for a Week

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Category:  Week Sixteen


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One of the most memorable weeks of MKMMA back in 2015. I loved the reaction of doing random acts of kindness without people knowing where it happened. Children love it when you are kind and know when you do something kind and show it in facial expressions.

The ability to do things is endless as how to be kind. Observing others is what I find awesome. So many people are at heart level Kind. One of my blessings is that my wife Raphaela is kind.

Just observing her I could meet all the requirements for the week in a few minutes. Going to church would provide me with a year’s worth of posting in just one day with the remarkable actions of the volunteers who serve in all kinds of jobs.

What I learned from the experience of “KINDNESS” week years ago was I was kinder by the end of the week. That was not expected because I thought I was kind and the warrior in me proved otherwise. Since then, I’m better and this week I am looking forward to being as kind as I can create in me.

Meet Robert Rea

I’m 71 now and making a better life for me and my family. My wonderful wife Raphaela and I live in Virginia. My children live all over the USA. Peace and Blessings to all.

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  • Your blogs are full of kind thoughts! I agree that children just seem to exude kindness. I love being around them. They will humble you!

  • Kindness week is like no other! The more kindness we give, the more we see, the more we receive, and the more we want to be kind.

  • Yes, when you observe others you see that many people are at heart level Kind. The warrior in you proved otherwise. So wonderful.

  • That was so KIND of you to mention how you can meet all the requirements for the week by watching your wife. This was a good week observing kindness, I also feel kinder because of it.

  • You have a beautiful soul–a pure heart–in noticing Raphaela’s kindness. I don’t know what color she is (meaning how she needs to hear it) but please let her know we thank her for serving our Veterans.

  • Robert, There is an Abraham-Hicks term called “Driftwood.” The idea is that if you’re out to sea…and your goal is to get to land…when you see driftwood…you’re close. Well, wow, you and your Raphaela are driftwood for me, as I finesse my desires of creating partnership in my life. Please let the amazing Raphaela know that by her inspiring these amazing words in your post, another soul is inspired to up-level their dreams for their beloved. Blessings to you, your wife, and this week of kindness.

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