I think I would love the compounding effect of this course if I had a DMP that was no longer in need of revisions. However, that is not the way it is. The deeper I get into this class, the more I am realizing that number one, I am not alone but number 2, I think EVERYONE (guides too) would benefit by perhaps a 4 week class on the proper way to construct a DMP.
I took Mark’s T&GR class just before this MKE class and I forget how many weeks that was but I never got a DMP out of that class either! I can see it on my guide’s face on those “Monday night Zooms”. He’s a frustrated as I am!!
I do know what I want out of a DMP but for some reason, I struggle to frame it in a way that subby understands. There is soo much going on right now that I would love to participate in but can’t because almost everything except the readings requires a completed DMP! All of that mixing things up and shuffling the order, I can see where all of that is beneficial to subby.
I don’t know if there is anything more frustrating than paying hundreds for a self help class that you can’t take full advantage of but I am not a quitter. I wish my blog was more positive but this is where I am.
Hi Todd…I think this exercise on creating a DMP and using PPNs is not an easy exercise. Its not something most people do. It took me several revisions and not sure if its “right” yet but its mine and I am going thru the exercises the way it is. Along the way, I may adjust as I learn more but I am just rolling with it…
Hi Todd. Yes, it would have been great if we had more DMP training. But you’ll have to start where you are. If you could only accomplish one thing in your life, what would it be? Everyone is at different seasons in life. We have young people, middle-aged people, and even seniors taking the MKE adventure. Some want better relationships, some want to travel, some want to start a business, some want economic freedom. We all want something.
Please don’t compare your dream with someone else’s dream. There’s no competition.
What does Todd really want?
Hang in there Todd. I was unable to move forward in Week 8 because I was just freakin stuck with my DMP. It kept coming back and coming back with the same suggestions. I asked my Guide if she could give me some guidance. We Zoomed with a Master Guide and I told them my situation. I knew that they wouldn’t give me any answers, they just let me talk. In about 3 minutes I had figured out exactly what needed to be done. I needed to change one of my PPN’s. The light bulb went off and we all had a good laugh. I was so grateful that they guided me and let ME figure it out. Keep working at it – you will figure it out and then be able to move forward. Thanks for your honest share!
Hi Todd, thanks for your openness and honesty. I can understand that it is frustrating to you. This where you are and that’s fine. It can only go forward cause as you said you’re not a quitter. 🙌
I am curious to understand what it is that you desire the most and what is blocking you to know what you want out of your DMP. 😊