MKE Week 10 – I am Perfect

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Category:  Week Ten


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For years I have been taught not to pursue perfection. That perfectionists lead miserable lives. If you only accept perfection, you don’t do the things you want done because you don’t have time to do them perfectly.

The idea that I can think about being perfect differently is empowering.

The flower I chose to meditate on last week was the wisteria. As part of the process of clearly visualizing it sprouting from seed, my research revealed that if you grow a wisteria from seed, it takes 10 – 15 years to bloom, and the blooms my be different than the parent plant.

What struck me most is the thought that a small, non-blooming wisteria plant is perfect. It is whole, strong and healthy – just small and young. In its future it will become more beautiful, fragrant and powerful – one of the most powerful plants on the planet.

ts vines will grow up to 10 feet per year and have the power to crush the structures it climbs. It is perfect now and it will be perfect when it matures.

And so am I. I am perfect now, and I will be perfect as I grow and change. As hard as that is to accept, it is true. I can perform small acts of perfection all day to remind me that just because I am growing and evolving doesn’t mean that I’m imperfect now.

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy, right?

Meet Dana Green

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  • Hi Dana, I loved that you compared growth with the wisteria flower. It is a good picture of how we are growing.

  • Dana, you are whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy!…and your blog is really inspiring to me! thank you for sharing!
    P.S.: now I have to go research the wisteria plant! 🙂

  • Absolutely, right, Dana. You are perfect and amazing. Thanks for this lovely share of the wisteria. I learned a lot from you.

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