Ah, we started a new scroll today in The Greatest Salesman in the World. Scroll III, persistence.
This I relate to completely and I was immediately happy when I started reading it. I am, without a doubt, persistent.
I believe reading this scroll daily will help me become persistent in other areas of my life where I have not applied this, for whatever reason.
I have seen seemingly small, but very impactful changes while applying the exercises in this course. I am much nicer to people I do not know — the customer service rep on the phone, the person I ask for help in the store, the people I realize I’ve taken out my daily frustrations on for so long.
Such a small change in my thought process has brought about such an impactful change in my life. And it impacts them and me. I am much happier when I don’t take my frustrations out on other people.
An example – yesterday morning did not go well for me. I could tell I was about to overreact. I knew I needed a mental break. I took a break and took a short walk with my dogs to clear my mind. I was able to get back to work without disrupting things because of my perceived mistreatment.
I look forward to seeing how applying persistence in all areas of my life impacts me.
It was nice to read your post about welcoming Scroll 3 regarding persistence. Your enthusiasm was also evident in your Marco Polo.👏
Hi Teri, Yes, persistence can be applied to many things and it is nice to hear you feel like you are treating others better and feel better for it.
Beautiful blog Teri! So happy you are observing your own growth and celebrating it. Hip-hip-hooray for your persistence!
Thanks so much for sharing how the MKE course has been changing your life into a more positive, happier person. I like how you removed yourself from a difficult situation, walked your dogs, and came back determined not to let perceived mistreatment bother you. Well done!
Persistence is a marvelous trait to have. I love how you are already using it on Day 1 to make your world better. Congratulations.