MKE Week 10 – My Own Fabulous Story

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Category:  Week Ten


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5 Reflections from Week 10 in the Master Key Experience:
Bonus: New (to me) Word(s)

1. My Own Fabulous Story – Thank you, Mark for sharing your Fabulous Davene Story in the Pre-Week 10 video. The power of choosing… and orchestrating your own destiny with the amazing FabulousD, brought forward memories of my own Fabulous Story.

When I completed my divorce in the late ‘90s, I refused to call him my X because 1) he would always be in my life, so 2) “X” made no sense. “X” also has a sick divisive tone and frequency that I was not about to add to an already sad situation.

In truth, I wanted to make sure that my future relationships were free to start fresh instead of harboring the heavy baggage that “X” held.

Through a lovely set of circumstances, I heard someone call their “X” “Was-band” and I giggled. When I shared I was going to forever refer to him as my Wasband, he laughed. Then We laughed. Laughed so heartily that the poisonous venom of unforgiveness, was healed in that moment.

That solitary moment of unadulterated laughter changed the trajectory of our then sad and dull relationship, to launch… a new friendship.

When we stopped laughing, there was a brilliant pause and he said “So…what do I call you?” I said without a moments hesitation “Fabulous.”

My favorite part of this story is after I meet friends of his… when they find out who I am, they say “Oh…are you Fabulous?!” And I say….”Yes. I Am.”

2. SAP – Smallest Achievable Perfection – Perfection is achievable… by CHOICE. If Jesus was “Perfect” and he said “You will do these things and more,” we too have not only the ability for perfection, perfection is our birthright.

Mark gave the example of aa SAP as making your bed as if you’re going to receive a $100K bonus for the best bed making. With ENTHUuuuuSIASM. Sounds FUN!

3. The importance of Marco Polos. Lift people up. Do it once a day. Cause I said I would.

4. You are rehearsing your fatigue. This was a Stop-My-Heart answer to one of the questions in the Q&A this week. What am I rehearsing?

5. Self Directed Thinkers (Part 2) – Chipping at the cement of my Golden Buddha DMP (Definite Major Purpose) with new PPNs (Personal Pivotal Needs) are delighting me.

As I wrote back on Week 8, my MM (MasterMind) Friend who’s known me for over a dozen years said that the old PPNs were a given. I am enjoying this Self Directed Thinking as to what my new choice in PPNs will provide for me, beyond what I currently know. I’m enjoying staying curious and open to all possibilities.

BONUS NEW (to me) WORD(s):

1. axiomatic ax·i·o·mat·ic (adjective) Self-evident; unquestionable

2. Schadenfreude is a combination of the German nouns Schaden, meaning “damage” or “harm” and Freude, meaning “Joy”. Schadenfreude means feeling joy over some harm or misfortune suffered by another.

Blessings to you, this week.

Meet Marie Ruzicka

Catalyst for Joy, International Transformational Storyteller, and Champion of Celebrations and Appreciations. Marie guides those with ears to hear to reconnect with their Genius and the path of least resistance to Wealth…in ALL WAYs. ~ Marie Ruzicka (pronounced Roo.ZEEE.ka)

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  • Hi Marie thanks for sharing as usual a great post. It is so great when you find the levity that heals.

  • You make me laugh! I too adopted the same word since I did not like the energy of “ex” either! And he was never mine either. You are so thorough and eloquent. Thank you!

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