MKE Week 10 – Old Cement

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Category:  Week Ten


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Week 10. Another one for the books.

I am starting to absorb information easier. It is becoming less overwhelming as I am setting up a good pattern along with breaking up the order of my tasks. I can really see how this will set me up for organizing my day in the future.

Got to get on the OATS a little more. I am having fun with this. I am a whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving harmonious and happy guy!

Meet Jay Weller

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  • Hi Jay, So good to hear you are happier and doing work on getting organized. Thank you for sharing

  • So great that you can really see how it will set you up for organizing your day in the future. 👌 That is so awesome.

    Yes, I am having fun with the affirmation too. 🙌

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