MKE Week 10 – The exercise

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Category:  Week Ten


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I am finding it a bit difficult this week to accomplish the task in the Exercise that is to be done after the Master Key read.

I am a little surprised that I have not yet been successful. I do realize, however, it just simply means that my spirit will have a great celebration when I am.

I am looking within and forward to the wonderful life I am creating.

Meet Robin Walker

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  • Robing, hang in there, you’ve got this!!! I don’t know is this will help, but it helped me: I closed my eyes and pictured my hand with a black marker drawing on the wall. Then I opened my eyes and imagined it the same way as when I had my eyes closed. It took several days, but it worked for me. Either way, you got this; you’re whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy!

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