MKE Week 10 – The Law of Growth

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Category:  Week Ten


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The law of growth. It’s one of the 7 laws of the mind. I’m not sure if I really understood it as a natural law until recently. The neat thing about natural laws is that they always happen. No belief is required.

Take the law of gravity for example. It works 100% of the time and whether you believe in it or not. Say you are standing on top of a building and you say I don’t really believe in the law of gravity. Then step off the building. It does not matter if you believe in it or not it is a law and it works.

You will go down to the ground at an astonishing rate. You may have more belief in the law of gravity while lying on the ground looking up. The point is the law always works it does not need you to believe in it for it to work.

I am coming into the true understanding that the law of growth is a natural law and acts in the same way. Haanel says “The mechanism is perfect.” It’s just that the operator is inexperienced.
Today while reading “The Master Key System” paragraph 11 in chapter 10 jumped up and thump me in the head. He is talking about the law of growth and It says:

The law is that Thought is an active vital form of dynamic energy which has the power to correlate with its object and bring it out of the invisible substance from which all things are created into the visible or objective world. This is the law by which, and through which all things come into manifestation; it is the Master Key by which you are admitted into the Secret Place of the Most High and are “given dominion over all things.” With an understanding of this law you may “decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee.”

The Master Key System, Charles Haanel, Chapter 10, paragraph 11

That law has been working in my life everyday all day. It does not matter if I believe in it or not. The cool part is that now I do believe in it and I am becoming a better operator and I am beginning to have some control over my thoughts through practice which is another law!

I’m starting to have one of those “wow” moments and it is so cool. The realization that the seven laws of the mind are more than just concepts and that they are natural laws is really setting in for me. This is an amazing journey.

Kenny V.

Meet Ken Varilek

I'm Ken, your friendly neighborhood real estate expert with a twist of personality. For the past 10 years, I've been on a mission to redefine what it means to buy or sell a home. Wondering how this journey began? It all started with a genuine love for helping people and a construction background that gave me a unique perspective on houses.

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  • I know perfectly the feeling when you finally understand something when reading the MKS. Congratulations!

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