This week I won’t lie. I enjoyed the beauty of the relaxed coffee. Am I thinking more than the regular webinars? In some senses yes, I was drawn to the clip shared and I sought out the full-length movie, “My Dinner with Andre,” 1981, YouTube.
I know in the past I was not ready to listen, hear and see the beauty within this movie. There were so many concepts and scenarios discussed that can be chewed over in your own mind or if you are in good company with like-minded people. Even though the move was made in 1981, it is still in my humble opinion relevant today.
I like the conversation around reality and how we are “performing” in our lives and how people are living up to a fantasy but privately people are mixed up with their lives and do not know what to do.
I have heard before and I believe Mark also mentions it in many different ways. We read self-help books, we fix the external so we think, we drink the water, do the exercise, join meet-up groups but nothing changes.
We don’t know, we don’t speak to each other because we don’t want to know or we can’t be bothered; we are so involved in our own false reality that we don’t have the time to look up and breathe. We put no value on perceiving reality, shut off our minds and live in the automatic pilot zone. We operate in habit.
This reminds me of the clip of the golden Buddha. We all have gold beneath but we or I have so much crap covering the gold. So many years of living and allowing our habits to control us.
We do not fully know “who I am, why I am here and or our purpose”. The MKE (Master Key Experience) program is defiantly helping to shift and remove the covering and crap – break the trance.
The DMP (definite major purpose) I spoke about it before, goes a long way to encourage and get me to sit and look. Ask the hard questions because as long as you do the work (not just read those self-help books), yes as long as you do the work you will be rewarded and your internal as well as external teacher appears. You break bad habits and acquire good habits and you become conscious.
Marie, thanks for realigning the quote for me, it makes sense on another level.
Thanks Pedro, for sharing your experience with your watchman at the gate and what you are noticing.
Sandra, I always enjoy your perspective, and I enjoyed this blog. Once I started really looking and observing I found so many things to be grateful for in the world without, but also so much trash in the old blueprint/world within. I always thought of myself as a very positive person, which I am, but when we started the mental diet and really started paying attention, I noticed how many negative thoughts actually were popping in there without being noticed before. Now the watchman at the gate is wide awake, and not letting that slide! 🙂 Thank you for the great blog!
My top 10 favorite movies is “My Dinner w/Andre.” Saw it when it first came out and wow…it shifted everything. Thank you for your reflection…
ps…The last part of that quote is “when the student is REALLY ready…the teacher disappears.” Just sayin……..
Terrific insight, Sandra. Thanks so much for sharing this and so glad you enjoyed the coffee format!