The number one crusher of the dream and blocking your ability to reach subby with your definite purpose in life is Fear. And so often we allow it to dictate everything we do in life.
And that can happen with the people that we surround our self with and even when we get away from them we find ourselves self-sabotaging our self because we have a created that feeling for so long its part of our cellular structure and instinctively we attract the very things that will result with that same feeling.
What we think about grows, no words have ever been shared truer. So what needs to happen is exactly what we all have been doing for the past 9 weeks, the shapes, words, numbers, the readings it’s all starting to come into focus.
It was a blur for the longest time, doing all things, as child I remember this shape toy you had all these different pieces to put through their respective entry ways. It was only when you stopped and did it slow did you realize that you had everything you needed to get them through the various shape entry ways but what it took was you stopping to think about it and carefully putting them through.
So I encourage you to really dig into this goldmine, it’s going to be incredibly worth it! So replace fear with confidence, passion and love, remember what Og said I can do all things and if love isn’t part of it, what is it all worth?
It’s the same thing Paul talks about in the bible if don’t’ have love, I have nothing. Right now I’m listening to my DMP on my airpods, lifting weights and staring at my movie poster, not a bad combination right? Until next time and there will be a next time!
So so true. Love this, thank you for sharing.
Nice job!!
Well said! It was a blur for me to in the beginning too but 1 day as I sat still and looked at the shapes, it hit me…I see them everywhere and I am slowly understanding the process.. nice combination!
Great blog Shannon! These combinations really work; it doesn’t matter what I’m doing at any moment of the day that I can’t incorporate something or several things from all the exercises.
Thank you for this blog!