My Dear A Right To Know Local’s Community,
I recently did an interview with Mark & Davene Januszewski, whom over the years have created, an ever-evolving and life altering course called the Master Key Experience.
Mark, Davene, and team are facilitators in assisting us through this amazing 26-week life changing workshop by helping us clearly define what we want to create in our lives, who we want to be in the world, how to take control of our thoughts, and confidently execute our dreams.
They use a variety and combination of what they’ve found to be some of the best writings and works out there, to assist in changing ourselves on a subconscious level, chipping away at (the cement Buddha) all that “programming” we’ve been pummeled with from our parents (just repeating what they learned), from society, the school system (where we’re awarded for compliance and attacked for exercising individuality), through the media feeding us their propaganda, and on.
We’ve been kept in a box, a matrix if you will, with all of this programming and indoctrination, purposefully distracted and demeaned, so as not to know our own true power and potential. One of my favorite affirmations shared is, “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy!”
Changing at the subconscious level, clarifying exactly what we want to create with our life, executing it, and leading a happy, loving, harmonious existence does take a bit of work. The course is broken down into 24-weeks based on Charles Haanel’s 24-part Master Key System.
We read each part daily for that one week period. Charles Haanel taught his first course starting in 1912 based on these writings, and then published them in 1916. We also read the ancient scrolls from Og Mandino’s book The Greatest Salesman, each scroll is read daily for an entire month.
We write your own personal DMP – Definite Major Purpose, and there is an art on how to write this, so that it is most powerful, which they guide us through in the MKE course.
We become hyper aware of our thoughts, and learn wonderful techniques on how to transform any negative thought of fear, worry, anxiety, anger, lack of confidence, etc. into a positive thought of love, self-love, forgiveness, compassion, non-judgment, giving without reciprocity, etc.
We work on having No Opinion…Wow, talk about mind-alterning and it’s oh-so-nice to take a mind-break as we’ve been so programmed to have an “Opinion” on everything, hence feeding the Divide & Conquer frenzy.
We learn that our world, on every level, is created by our thoughts. Our Thoughts are the magic and something we have more control over than we’ve been taught in normal society. I believe that’s by design, but we’ll save that discussion for another Blog day…Most of you get my gist!
We learn to incorporate the Seven Laws of the Mind, and oodles of other fun tools, techniques, and solutions.
Here’s a taste of the 1st of the Seven Laws of the Mind – Law of Substitution; “We cannot think about 2 things at the same time. If a negative thought enters your mind ~ try to think about God instead. If that is too big a reach at the time, use any fond memory or other pleasant thought. Jesus, the Master Teacher, said, “Resist not evil” ~ meaning turn from it and think about something else instead.”
The self-help industry is multi-billion dollar industry. Most own many books that espouse promises to change our lives. I’ve not to date found a book, or workshop, or class that, like the Master Key Experience, that help tranform our thoughts and therefore our life, if we are indeed willing to do the work!
As we’re able to control our thoughts, this puts us, I believe, on a frequency where everything exists, and where you can tap into health, wealth, & love.
Under sentence 9 of Part 12 of the Master Keys, Haanel states,
…the only real power which you can have is the power to adjust yourself to Divine and unchangeable principles. You cannot change the Infinite, but you can come into an understanding of Natural Laws. The reward of this understanding is a conscious realization of your ability to adjust your thought facilities with the Universal Thought which is Omnipresent. Your ability to cooperate with this Omnipotence will indicate the degree of success with which you meet.
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Part 12:9
So for me, spending a mere 168 to 170 hours of my life, (or one week over a period of 6 months) to deprogram my subconscious (which absolutley runs the show), and for the first time, take control of my thoughts, my life, and to create a life beyond my wildest dreams – is a NO-brainer.
It’s an amazing ride, takes work, and is not always easy, and get more fun each day. As written in Scroll III of Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman….I WILL PERSIST UNTIL I SUCCEED and I ALWAYS KEEP MY PROMISES!
Great comment Jen
Wow, you have beautifully laid this out – excellent blog mahalo for all the work!
Sherry – So glad you are experiencing high value from engaging in the Master Key Experience.
The MKE course is the real deal for learning the skills to become aware of your thoughts; then actual practice (mental exercises) to clarify and create what you truly want in your life.