MKE Week 13 – The Master Key to Unlimited Achievement

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Category:  Week Thirteen


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Thought is spiritual activity and is therefore creative, but make no mistake, thought will create nothing unless it is consciously, systematically, and constructively directed; and herein is the difference between idle thinking, which is simply a dissipation of effort, and constructive thinking, which means practically unlimited thinking.

Charles Haanel, Master Key, Part 13:23

I am so fascinated by the Greatest Generation in American history that existed around the WWII era.

The Master Key was written in the early 1900’s and it clear they thought very differently back then.

Haanel let’s us know that constructive thinking can lead to unlimited achievement.

Surveys have found that only abort 2 people out of 1,000 actually knows what they want in life.

This is idle thinking for sure when the average person has no clue that thinking is a spiritual activity that generates spiritual force, energy, and power.

The average person has no way to comprehend that our minds shape and control physical matter.

We can create the things we desire because infinite resources are at our command and we have absolutely unlimited creative power through our ability to think constructively.

The creative nature of our thoughts puts us in touch with Infinite Power.

If we think idly we become nothing, but if we choose to think constructively we become the hero of our own story.

Think heroic thoughts to play the role you were born to play and to act heroically.

Meet David Meyer

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