MKE Week 13 – Tomorrow Starts Now

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Category:  Week Thirteen


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Week 13 of the Master Key Experience. Hard to believe it’s been that long and halfway through this phenomenal teaching. Most people don’t realize that each one of us can transform our lives into whatever our heart really wants.

By learning that the power within actually controls our world without. I feel so blessed to be in this amazing teaching. Mark J and his brilliant team are dedicated to teaching us different daily chores that helps create a different blueprint of our lives without influencing our decisions or definite major purpose.

This epic journey keeps unfolding and new breakthroughs as I realize what I actually want my future self to be. it’s still hard trying to imagine and visualize what I actually want to be, do, and have but it’s starting to breakthrough, slowly chipping off the cement of mediocrity.

The “sit“ was the hardest daily task at first, although it is now the most rewarding part of my day. I’m feeling so spiritually connected as I sit still and clear my mind. The sit has also given me so much clarity in my life and any solutions I am working on.

Clarity of knowing that this master key experience has not only brought me closer to Christ within but has shown me that the master key teaching is alignment with what God teaches. This is awe striking to me and pushes me even more to stay on course through this hero’s journey.

The achievement cards (things we did right or qualities we have) have been hard for me, yet slowly learning to look within to help fill out these cards. Its hard to believe that we get beaten down so much that its so easy to forget about all of our achievements and qualities in our life.

Its an unfoldment to learn to not only dream, visualize, imagine about what we actually want to do in life, yet with these achievement cards peppered with affirmations, your one sentence definite major purpose, along with daily gratitude cards will definitely help us believe in ourselves again and live life to the fullest.

I always keep my promises.

Meet Mark Newby

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  • This resonates with me. For the ‘sit’ has been my challenge as well, just finding the time to sit after all the readings. Also when you said, ” it’s still hard trying to imagine and visualize what I actually want to be, do, and have” has been another challenge for me as well. I am really happy with what I have, I’m just looking for more time to relax and do NOTHING! LOL! But I don’t think that will fall in line with moving forward. And then I get confused at times repeating my DMP of my wants and desires but yet material things are not going to make us happy. However I feel through this course it will give me more time and also the ability to dream like I did many years ago.

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