MKE Week 13 – We Become What We Think About

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Category:  Week Thirteen


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As I listen to ‘The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale Daily Listening’ I am having so many ha ha ha moments. Now to be fair I have listened to the recording previously but I did not complete the cards, appreciate or understand on the deeper level what was being said.

For me the Master Key Experience brings the daily listening into focus and it is as if I am listening through the magnifying glass.

We become what we think about is explained for me, the “Law of Growth – whatever we think about grows.” This relates to good bad or indifferent thoughts.

I had not really considered this statement before. In the past I recognise or believe that everything happens for a reason and a delay is not a denial.

I figure there was something I needed to learn or there was something better for me or I just dodged a bullet; now when I was in it I did not have the clarity – this is hindsight talking.

On the other hand am I thinking what thoughts were in my mind which meant I experienced some of the things I did (that is a bitter pill to swallow)?

When I think about the more challenging experiences, I now recognise this is where the law of forgiveness comes in. “I must forgive everyone and anyone (including myself) to clear the channel’.”

Hannel mentions the same thing in this weeks The Master Key Part Thirteen reading,

15. – It will be found that the creative power of thought will explain every possible condition or experience, whether physical, mental or spiritual.  Charles Haanel, Master Key System 13:15

So Sandra think on – you can be what you will to be. Or if you loose your focus and you end up elsewhere do not moan or complain because you created your reality.

Meet Sandra Smith

Sandra Smith is a best-selling author, writer, motivational speaker, career, personal life and Dreamlife coach and a qualified mediator with over 20 years’ experience in the Public Sector in UK.

She is currently enjoying a new rhythm, and the Master Key Experience is part of her journey. She has the pleasure of living part of the year in Jamaica.

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