Week 13 – With MKE Everything is Possible!

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Category:  Week Thirteen


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Wow, I just had to share this with someone! I can’t believe how much MKE has transformed my life in just thirteen weeks. With MKE, everything is possible! 

I’ve learned exercises that have completely changed my thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Even though I’ve been taking care of my ninety-seven-year-old mother since November 21st, and she now has short-term memory impairment, I feel calmer, free, focused, happier, and more peaceful than ever before, thanks to MKE. 

For the first time, I’m not constantly worrying about how things will happen. If I’m persistent in creating new habits that align with my DMP, I can live my DMP life right now! I don’t have to wait for it to show up; I can feel it, see it, hear it, imagine it, and experience it within me right now. 

I’m so grateful to Mark, Davene, Wes, all the other guides, and my fellow students for making this MKE experience the most fantastic life-transformation program ever!

Meet Joanne Sapers

I'm Joanne Sapers.
My passion is understanding the Universe and seeing Love in, as, through, and around all beings and things, the seen and the unseen.

I love helping others celebrate the joy and the true desires vital to them in their heart.

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  • So awesome to read how the MKE has transform your life Joanne. I am so happy for you. Thanks for sharing

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