Week ThreeHow to radiate courage, confidence & power

We are continuing to learn how to raise our awareness to the achievement of possibilities we didn't previously know existed.

Join us for an adventure in discovering your future self, clarify what you want your life to be - and plan the action to achieve it.

Reflections on Week Three 

The Cerebro-Spinal System is ruled by the brain, the master of thought and organ of the conscious mind.  The Sympathetic System (AKA Solar Plexus) is a mass of nerves behind the stomach and organ of the subconscious mind.  
The vagus nerve connects them.  

Every thought is subjected to the beliefs and will of the conscious mind and realized by the creative powerful subconscious mind.  Together, purposeful crystallized thought and desire are put into actions, events, and conditions.  

Think only of your desire, not how to obtain it.   Expect success.  Have a positive mental attitude -- radiate courage, confidence, and power.

Pammy schwarz

mke certified guide


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