Focus’ on what you want – from Week 3 in the Master Key Experience:
1. Taking every “Will” out of the 1st scroll of the Greatest Salesman – It was as if something was unleashed with releasing “will” from the 1st scroll. From “I will pluck grapes” to “I pluck grapes,” and “I will begin to awake” to “I am awake” feels like we are opening up a portal to the magick of the present. Excited to see where this goes.
2. ENTHUSIASM is the Key – Infusing each of the readings with ENTHUSIASM is is a must. From Standing Tall, “Imagination is the only true bridge to ENTHUSIASM.” As I add more and more enthusiasm to each reading, I’m beginning to experience this clearly. Equal to this is YOU MUST DO YOUR BEST. OK is NOT good enough. A high bar… and I’m up to the challenge.
3. Awakening the Architect (Part 2) – Ok… today I’m getting to work. The Architect within is overseeing my Direct Major Purpose as I’ve been challenged with writing mine. This week we got some more tangibles. It’s like having a blueprint for your house and saying to the construction crew, “I want a kitchen… oh… and a bathroom.” They would have a lot of questions with those directions. You must be able to describe and design the most minute of details… a date of completion…. WITH FEELING. Like a child, your subconscious takes everything literally.
“The subconscious mind cannot argue; it only acts. It accepts the conclusions of the objective mind as final.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 3:4
So… As I’m writing the DMP AGAIN, I’m ask myself “If I have unlimited resources – would I truly know what to give myself.”
4. Words are your Passport to success and oxygen to your soul – The THOUGHT, infused with FEELING becomes a BELIEF, has been a challenge. The infused with feeling part… ah… that journey within. If I only do the familiar, what changes? NOTHING. So… I’d excited to go there this week.
5. Add relaxation – Each week’s lesson has gone from Week 1 – sitting perfectly still for 15 minutes (if you can’t control your body… you can’t control your thoughts), to adding in Week 2 – practicing inhibiting thought. Now Week 3 adds total and complete relaxation and letting go.
“Tensions lead to mental unrest and abnormal mental activity of the mind; it produces worry, care, fear and anxiety. Relaxation is therefore an absolute necessity in order to allow the mental faculties to exercise the greatest freedom.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 3:31
Ok… I’m willing.
This week is the Red Circle… How many do you see? And a reminder… Focus on what you want… Only…
BONUS NEW WORD: Ken (v) “to know, understand, take cognizance of.” “There were powers stirring this night, strange things beyond his ken.”
What are you focusing on this week… would love to hear…
Amazing, Marie–thank you. Your insights and interpretation of this week’s material are resonating within me. Omitting the word will from “The Scroll Marked 1” has turned it into an affirmative prayer for me. And so the scroll fueling my intention with enthusiasm!
Marie, I felt the shift of taking those “wills” out too! It was like a weight was lifted from the piece.
And the thought infused with with a feeling becomes a belief, makes me laugh. I posted an event today and just quickly gave the information and later looked at one that was infused with ENTHUSIASM and felt such a difference. Lesson learned. Thank you for your post.
You focus on ken, Marie, and I’ll focus on Barbie. LOL Great, “right on the money” post, Marie! 🙂
Way to dig in deep, Marie. So glad you’re getting benefit from the class. So great that you’re finding the power in the simplest of tools to move your life forward. SO happy for you!