It’s already Week 3 of the Master Key Experience (MKE). Only 23 weeks to go. Last week I wrote about our readings from The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino, the creation of our Blueprint Builder (BPB) and revising our Definite Main Purpose (DMP). I mentioned the difficulty I was having understanding the Master Key lessons, so this week let’s spend some time on that journey.
There are so many things I wish I had learned prior to entering adulthood. The one thing above all others that would have allowed me more peace, happiness, accomplishment and prosperity is to have been able to control my thoughts and replace my bad habits with good ones. The MKE lessons tell us that our subconscious mind controls 95% of our decisions. It is our brain’s hard drive programmed, mostly during our first 7 (formative) years of life, with habits. There are good habits and bad, and like all computers; garbage in, garbage out.
The good news is the “subbie” can be reprogrammed. The bad news is it takes a lot of work and time. And, it is hard to do. Using our conscious mind, we must first learn to control our thoughts. I will be so grateful if MKE can teach me to control mine. I want to learn to replace my bad habits with all good ones. My new thoughts, using exercises and repetition, will influence my subconscious to satisfy my Definite Major Purpose (DMP).
I am learning these lessons 50-60 years later than I should have. Imagine what our society would be like if our education system taught the wisdom of Og Mandino, Charles Haanel and the likes?
I agree Jim :The good news is the “subbie” can be reprogrammed” never too late you are here and working on yourself, remeber this is so easy to do, so is easy not to do it… now choose to DO IT NOW