Haanel nos dice que nos centremos en la consolidación y perfeccion de los principios y prácticas para lograr una mayor efectividad en la atracción y manifestación de nuestros deseos y objetivos. Tenemos que mantener la concentración y el focus en el
Week Twelve: Learn why concentration on your dreams is paramount...
We are continuing to learn how to raise our awareness to the achievement of possibilities we didn't previously know existed.
Join us for an adventure in discovering your future self, clarify what you want your life to be - and plan the action to achieve it.
Reflections on Week Twelve
“You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do”.
The principle which gives the thought the dynamic power to correlate with its object is the law of attraction, which is another name for love. Thought impregnated with love is invincible. The law of love is the creative force behind
every kind of manifestation.
Furthermore, true independence is practical working knowledge of the creative power of thought. As Haanel states it: ”Knowledge does not apply itself”, so dare doing it with your faith in the law of love.
monica petersson
mke certified guide
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