MKE Week 20 – The Magical Power of Thought

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Category:  Week Twenty


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Thinking is the true business of life; power is the result. You are at all times dealing with the magical power of thought and consciousness.

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Part 20

You are dealing with the magical power of thought and consciousness every moment of your life.


This makes me think of the life of Walt Disney and how we created the most magical place on earth because his own father ruined his childhood.

Walt Disney’s dad was exceptionally cruel to his children and worked them to a state of complete and total exhaustion everyday they lived with him.

Walt would have nightmares about it is entire life and even when he tried to show his dad his cartoon studio, his father refused to see anything special or unique about it at all.

Walt told us we live in a magical world where all our dreams will come true if we just have the courage to pursue them.

The most magical power on earth is found in the light your thoughts and consciousness create to help you discover and penetrate new worlds.

Holding thoughts of the purposeful life you earnestly desire places the magical power of thought and consciousness in your control and you become heroic in your own life.

Stay tuned for my next blog post from the MKE so you can discover how to make use of the magical power of thought and consciousness to be powerful beyond measure as a result.

Meet David Meyer

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  • Hi David- Thanks for sharing your blog. The more and more I learn about Walt Disney- the more extraordinary he really was. I enjoyed reading this 🙂

  • Thanks, this was a great post about the power of thought and I didn’t know that about Walt Disney!

  • Thank you so much Joan!!

    You are powerful beyond measure.

    Thinking independently results in you showing up on the world’s stage leading a totally empowered life.

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