MKE Week 3 – Exhilarating and Challenging Week

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Category:  Week Two


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This is so interesting. My PPNs are Spiritual Growth and Helping Others.

I’ve struggled all my life with a severe lack of confidence. I’ve had therapy, mostly I learned to go within to try and find a higher meaning or source to explain why things were as they were. I’m both a member of a religion and a Buddhist. I’ve studied Edgar Cayce, done the Gateway
Experience, even Joe Dispenza. Everything in between. Love me some quantum physics.

It never occurred to me that self-confidence is spiritual growth. That floors me. Eyes finally opened. What a relief. That sounds funny, I guess but it is a relief. Spiritual growth is a lot easier than all the stuff I’ve been doing.

All in all I’m really enjoying this program. I love that it’s regimented and clear. I know exactly what to do (mostly). I’m seeing results.

Great week! Still excited and happy. I’m in the right place.

Meet Stephanie Lewis

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  • So glad you’re seeing results and feeling in the right place. Still a little uncomfortable, but for me, that keeps you interested, engaged, and moving forward!

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