MKE Week 2 – Good Habits Bring Joy

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Category:  Week Two


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It has seemed to me so far that all the reading, writing, and repeating we have been asked to do in the Master Key Experience is A LOT. But something really clicked for me yesterday. As I was reading the Master Key Part Two, this jumped out to me in number 5:

“Ease and perfection depend entirely upon the degree in which we cease to depend on the consciousness; playing the piano, skating, operating the typewriter, the skilled trades, depend for their perfect execution on the process of the sub-conscious mind.”

The Master Key System, Charles Haanel – Part 2, Number 5

This was a God moment for me for sure. I have been a keys player since I was very young. At six years old I began plunking Sunday School tunes on the piano at home. My mother responded by promptly putting me in piano lessons.

My piano teacher was a crazy cat lady. She would cook her supper in the kitchen as I played my piano exercises in her living room. Somehow she would always know when I wasn’t using the correct fingers on the right notes. That should have been my first clue that good habits pay off.

About five years later, my piano teacher told me she had nothing more to teach me on the piano, and I needed to start giving back. She said I would do this by learning to play the organ, so I could play for church worship services. I love challenges, and I learned to play the organ. I played the organ and piano for worship services and other events for over forty years.

At home, I would express my emotions on the piano. I would play loud when I loved a song. I would pound the keys when I was mad. I learned the dance of playing with expression. Music became my expression of love and peace, and all of these things were done subconsciously, because I developed good habits and loved to play. I am very good at playing keys, and it has given me many years of great joy doing it.

Chapter eight of Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World is the first Scroll. These words are on page 54 –

“Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure… I will form good habits and become their slave.”

The Greatest Salesman in the World, Og Mandino – Page 54

I see the connection now. If doing the Master Key Experience exercises ultimately gives me even half the joy I have from playing keys, I will gladly do it. It will all be worth it.

Meet Pamela Otten

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  • Pam, what a special lady your piano teacher was! She gave you the gift of paying it forward. I love hearing this. Thank you for sharing and it will be fun taking this journey together to see just how much we can give back!

  • What a beautiful blog Pamela. I had very little discipline as a child and never mastered anything quite like playing the piano, but reading this blog about your experience brought me joy. Thank you for sharing!

  • I love playing piano – although I don’t have your gift! It is a great reminder of how far good habits can take us!

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