Arrrggh! I know the time is NOW.
Although with my calendar and multiple trips, I started to experience feelings of frustration and overwhelm. Haven’t experienced those not-so-good feelings in quite some time. Living out of a suitcase with course material clipped together, not in the prescribed binders, while not ideal, shows progress, right?
Subby… listen, we can do this. Those fleeting thoughts of quitting? That is NOT me. You are overruled… Yayy Week 2 teaching. Somehow, I lost the trail or skipped over something somewhere. It’s ok to slow down and regroup. Build that solid foundation.
The blueprint or building that bridge to my new reality takes some real inner thought. Is that why I look forward to a good night’s rest?
Using 3×5 cards is a practice I enlisted in the past to memorize new languages, bible verses, class notes. This exercise makes sense plus it’s so simple.
With the introduction of Personal Pivotal Needs (PPN), a new dimension is added to relearn/unlearn habits especially with respect to choosing with my heart. Glad my choices don’t exclude the other five.
I continue to enjoy reading aloud. Artie, the dalmatian I’m dog sitting, looks puzzled as I walkabout reading with enTHUsiasm.
I’ve observed that I’m more mindful of my daily schedule from waking to retiring at the end of day. I attribute that to my renewed reading routine.
My fav quote:
“Today I begin a new life.”
Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World, p.51.
I look forward to Week 3.
That’s great Charmaine! You ARE making progress and you ARE beginning a new life, one by design:)
“I am more mindful…”. Welcome to your new life!
Love Artie!!
Very entertaining blog Charmaine. My favorite quote of yours..
“It’s ok to slow down and regroup. Build that solid foundation.” Cheering you on! You got this!