Boy, did that strike a nerve! Having us look at the bridge comparison was eye-opening.We’ve only been studying this material for two weeks now, and already I realize that I’ve been an onion, have carried the weight of unnecessary knowledge, and overrated the value of experience…never had a clear blueprint…and it all makes sense!
Why didn’t we know this a long time ago? Looking at methods to determine intention is backwards.
I am so excited to see the Master Key Experience begin to create new methods for my “subby.” After being on this earth for three and a half score, it’s time to plant different seed and ask myself, “What do I really want?” Rebirth of my soul? YES! Rebirth of who I was intended to be? YES! Thank you, Mark, for that reminder.
As a coach’s wife, I’ve listened to how great John Wooden was, but never really took the time to understand his Pyramid of Success. It was something my husband taught his players because he wanted them to become the best young men that they could be. Seeing it again makes me wonder why we don’t teach this in school as part of the curriculum. If the machine does not want free thinkers, it’s time to get a new machine, or at least re-tool the old one.
I’m not exactly sure of what we have our hands on right now in this training…but it feels pretty powerful and life-changing. Yes, change is challenging. Never lose hope! But, we just learned last Sunday that the Power and the Mastermind Alliance form the Force. So, may the Force be with us! Mahalo, Mark, Davene, and staff!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love the thought of retooling the machine!
Love, Love, love this this Debbie. You are a force!
Yes, Janet! First things first…deconstruction!
Under de-construction. The cement is cracking and the golden buddha is shining through.
Super cool perspective, Debbie. Thank you for sharing this. I agree, there’s a lot of retooling and a big need for sharing on this material. Thrilled to see what else comes for YOU!