MKE Week 2 – My Epic Journey

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Category:  Week Two


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Week 2 of the Master Key Experience has been such an eye-opening week.

Learning and growing, but also putting the information into action. The presentation from Mark about our personal pivotal needs made me really think and I finally realized I needed to change True Health to Liberty because I wasn’t being true to myself.

I was in Think and Grow rich class previously (which I didn’t apply myself too) and had Spiritual Growth and True Health. I feel so much passion for this decision.

The exercise with the chore card was amazing. One of my wins for the week was cleaning out the storage room. Wow, what a great feeling. I was able to find some good books I’ve been looking for to read again such as Standing Tall and The Slight Edge.

Saying out loud Do it Now has become my mantra when I’m feeling down or wanting to put things off. I’m still working on being conscience of blue rectangles around me.

This week has been challenging as in not feeling like doing the reading and or assignment although I’ve been pushing through. I believe my old subby is getting scared which is a great sign for me that I’m on the right path.

My sit has been exhilarating and something I am really looking forward to not only learning to control my body, but it has really allowed me peace and such great insights. I am up to 15 minutes right now and am getting better each and every sit.

This epic journey is so amazing, and I can’t wait for my new and improved subby to take charge. I’m all in and willing and able to do the work. I will persist till I win.

Meet Mark Newby

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  • That’s the only way to go, Mark, “all in!” Works a lot better in life than in Texas Holdem!

  • What a great find on the books and also how awesome to get that accomplished!!! Congrats!

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