MKE Week 2 – To be or not to be Frustrated

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Category:  Week Two


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To be or not to be,


New week, new set of challenges. My PPN’s are Autonomy and Liberty. I wrote them on a 3X5 card with the words, “I promises to Manifest” at the top and “I always keep my promises” at the bottom.

My work has been a great fit for me, I had the autonomy to work from home or go into the office. I traveled, working with other informatics teams in our company around the country.

Recently the corporation realigned several of the divisional markets. I found myself working at the local facility, no longer able to travel or work from home. Due to unforeseen personalities at that facility, I was in the middle of chaos. I won’t to go into much more detail, that suffice a little.

Needless to say, over the last month or so my frustration has been increasing. I’ve tried talking to the main problem, but to no avail. Now back to the cards. Because of the circumstances at work, I am having a difficult time manifesting these needs. I was finding it hard to think about little else.

My sit seemed to be a struggle as I was constantly going to a place of frustration. In the Master Key System, Haanel states…

”All power is from within, and is absolutely under your control; it comes through exact knowledge and by the voluntary exercise of exact principles. It should be plain that when you acquire a thorough understanding of this law, and are able to control your thought processes, you can apply it to any condition; in other words, you will have come into conscious cooperation with Omnipotent law which the fundamental basis of all things”.

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 1:32-33

This week’s sit was to empty my mind of all thought. Because I have a lot of air pockets in my brain, I figured this would be easy. On a serious note, I did find it possible to empty my mind of all chatter for moments.

WOW, what a quiet place that is. Within that silence I was able to direct my thoughts on my PPN’s and ways I can manifest these needs. That knowledge of having the Power to control and direct my thoughts has assisted me to calm down my frustrations, look for the good and contemplate different possible solutions.

Mind you, nothing has changed yet in the outside world, only the knowledge that I have control of the world within. I know that through the law of autosuggestion, I can focus on things that matter and what I have control over to change. It has taken several days to create the calmness inside. Now I can say that Frustration is Not to be.

Meet Kevin Robinson

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  • Love the insight, I know for myself I must control my mind and have silence daily in order to listen to what is asked for in the outside world….

    A skill I must practice daily…I love your comment “only the knowledge that I have control of the world within.”

  • Amazing insights, Kevin. It is indeed a comfort to gain that skill of being able to control our inner work. Thanks so much for sharing your perspective on this!

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