MKE Week 2 – Working Inside to Outside

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Category:  Week Two


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Going into the MKE I realized from previous courses that I’ve taken with Training Solutions LLC that the majority of the time and effort would be spent on internal change and rewiring my subconscious mind for success.

I didn’t realize just how deeply embedded the old blueprint really is. When we went over the part in the webinar where it was shown that our subby is setup to work backwards I stopped dead in my tracks.

It was an Epiphany moment as I realized that is ALWAYS how I approached things with my thinking. (I’d love to go to Fiji but after reviewing my bank account I vacationed in my back yard!)

It was like someone slapped me and said “Hello… wake up!”

I could also feel subby using the old blueprint to put up a fight over my new realization and I could literally see and feel that this was going to be a battle. I’m not sure how difficult and for how long, but I will be waging a war within to oust the old blueprint of failure and replace it with the new blueprint of success.

The most wonderful part is that my primary color code is yellow so I’m totally engaged in this as a fun adventure, not an arduous task. I also love the idea of the index cards. I’ve always struggled with procrastination and this is such a novel way to reprogram that poor habit.

Yes indeed, create new positive habits to replace the old negative habits! I have the best cheering section to encourage me… my guide and my MMA of fellow like minded classmates. As Mark says… Giddy Up!

Meet Charlie Zigmund

Thanks for stopping by! I'm a Successful Entrepreneur in Global Business Development utilizing Network Marketing and Direct Sales. I hope you find something here that may help you on your journey.

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  • Keep up the great work, and remember to stay motivated and focused on your journey toward success!

  • Charlie, this was great, totally felt much of the same! See you on the path and into the Light!

  • This is great Charlie! Gotta love those ah-ha (epiphany) moments! Looks like you are having fun already:)

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